Patent for Air Laying Device
Taylor & Edelstein obtains patent for client Voith for an Air Laying Device
This device makes a mat from wood pulp or cellulose fibers using air. The Air Laying Device’s ring distributor channel moves fibers and air in circles. Fibers are introduced into this ring channel through a fiber feed. Inside the ring channel, the air flow creates a circular movement that helps break down clumps of fibers into individual fibers, ensuring they mix well. There’s an outlet in the ring channel that lets the fibers exit into a “calming channel”. This calming channel guides the fibers down to a “forming fabric” where they land to make the mat. Air nozzles are used to help break down fiber clumps, maintain the flow, and prevent blockages. The device can be adapted for both small-scale (laboratory) and large-scale (continuous production) applications.